Thursday, June 29, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth - Global Warming Movie

Former Vice President Al Gore has been presenting a talk and slide-show around the country on the extremely serious problem of global warming. That presentation inspired the making of 'An Inconvenient Truth.' This movie presents information that the vast majority of the world's scientists say is accurate. They agree that global warming is a global catastrophe that can only be averted through immediate action.

Usually, when the vast majority of world scientists say something is so it is so. When the vast majority of scientists said we could land on the moon, we did. When the vast majority of them said we could split atoms, we did. When the vast majority of them said we could fly faster than sound, we did. The guy standing there arguing with them usually ends up as a historical joke. I am going to trust the vast majority of scientists on this issue.

Go see this movie. Take the kids. Watch a trailer for it here.

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