YouTube is showing The Danish Poet in their brand new Screening Room which is a showcase for independent films. This film won the 2007 Academy Award for best animated short. Torill Kove directed it and Liv Ullman provided the narration. It is beautifully animated with a flat cartoony style that is more complicated than it looks. The story is a gently moving one and I highly recommend this.
Remember that if you head over to YouTube there may be content there that is not suitable for young viewers.
NASA announced today that it has found water ice on Mars! The Phoenix Lander scooped up some martian dirt and took some photos of the hole. In one shot you can see some chunks in the lower left corner of the hole. In the next shot they are gone. That means that the clumps melted and evaporated. Because of the temperature at that location scientists know that it can only be frozen water.
This is a great discovery and takes us a long way in our search for the building blocks of life on other planets.
Today, June 3, 2008 is one of the great days in United States history. Barack Obama has clinched the democratic party nomination by winning more than 2,118 delegates to the Democratic Convention. This day must rank with the ending of the Civil War, the end of World War II and landing on the moon for importance in our national history. An African American has just become a candidate for President. This has been long overdue and it is a very welcome development. I hope all parents are allowing their children, no matter how young, to watch these events unfold. I can think of few things that would be so inspiring to children. It is incredible to watch Barack Obama achieve something so important to the entire nation. Congratulations to him and to our country.
This is the blog from Candlelight Stories. You'll find news about and interesting things in animation, film, writing, audio and games from around the web.